Special Section

2019 Chicago Voters' Guide

Candidate for Chicago City Council

About the Candidate

Name: Angie Maloney
DOB: May 5, 1980
Family: My partner, Roz, and our daughter Francine
Occupation: CPS teacher
Political Experience: Social activist groups
Website: iam47.org

Candidate Statement

Hi, my name is Angie Maloney. I am a Chicago Public Schools teacher, a mother, a musician, and a social justice advocate.

I'm running for Alderman of the 47th Ward because Chicago cannot continue on the course it's going. As your Alderman I'll help secure the future of our Ward and our city, working to keep our schools strong, our neighborhoods safe and the housing affordable.

Every day I wake up to serve the children and families of our city as a teacher in Chicago Public Schools. I am honored to serve on the CPS working group for Race and Equity. And as a teacher, I know what our schools, students and teachers need to succeed and will fight for the schools our students deserve.

I've been living in the 47th ward for 20 years. My partner and I are raising our family here and we want to create the best future for our daughter. It's always been a great place to live, but it has become less affordable.

Like many of our neighbors, I know what it's like to be in a two-income family and not be able to afford a home in the community. The affordable housing crisis may look different in each corner of the city but I am deeply committed to ensuring safe, affordable neighborhoods for all residents of Chicago. This is why I'm running to be your Alderman in the 47th Ward.

As your alderman, I'll work to create a master plan for development, preservation and affordability in our ward and initiate programs and policy to unify our city.

I'll make sure our ward maintains its high level of safety, while working toward a safer city for all Chicagoans.

I'll be a hands-on Alderman and help residents cut through red tape of city regulations and access the services they need.

If you care about Schools, Safety, and Stability, join me in creating a government that works for all of Chicago. Log on to iam47.org and Vote for Angie Maloney on Feb. 26. Together we can build a more just and equitable Chicago.

Candidate Q&A

What is your vision for this office?

The Alderman’s office should be a place residents can go to find help cutting through the red tape of city regulations and accessing the services they need. The Alderman should be a go-between for residents to the city. Equally as important is for the Alderman to use their power to create a city government that addresses the most pressing social and political issues for residents across the city.

What is the most pressing issue facing constituents, and how can you help address it?

The most pressing issue facing constituents is affordability. The market has grown at a break-neck pace increasing rents and tax assessments for long-time residents.

This issue is related to our city’s current practice of prioritizing luxury and those that can afford it over the regular residents of the city. This affects the poor neighborhoods, the middle-class neighborhoods, and the spirit of our city as a whole - and it spirals upon itself and attracts more wealth and more catering to the wealthy. This issue trickles down to affect schools, jobs and wages, housing, and lack of investment that doesn't help our violence problems. We need to make sure everything we do prioritizes our residents - all of them- first.

That means if we truly want to reduce violence and reduce our debt, as most say we do, we need to reform TIFs and put our tax money toward that, placing any luxury development downtown or in neighborhoods on hold for at least 2 years until we get on a pathway to recovery in these areas. We must put filters in place to stop recklessly-paced development from rapidly transforming our neighborhoods and displacing long-time residents. We can do this through ordinances and permit processes. Locally, we need a master plan for development that spells out our desire to maintain diversity and affordability in the neighborhoods.