Stories by AJ LaTrace
Virtual Adoptions No Apparent Hurdle for Pet-Seeking Chicagoans
| AJ LaTrace
The pandemic has led many cooped-up city dwellers to seek out the companionship of a pet. It’s kept rescue organizations busier than usual — and has led to some unexpected benefits as adoptions go virtual.
Vision for Emmett Till’s Woodlawn Home Goes Beyond Landmark Status
| AJ LaTrace
Exactly 65 years after the brutal killing and shocking open-casket funeral of Emmett Till, the red brick two-flat where he lived with his mother is finally on the path to an official city landmark designation.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Secret Service, Not ICE Agents Turned Away From Back of the Yards Elementary School
Illinois, Other States Temporarily Lost Access to Medicaid Portal Amid Funding Freeze
Immigration Raids Detained 100 People in Chicago Area, Top Cop Says, But He Doesn’t Know How Many Have Criminal Records
Winter Blast Hits Large Swath of US Hard; Lake Effect Snow Expected in Chicago This Afternoon
Bally’s Chicago Casino Rings Up Just $63.2M in New City Revenue, Far Behind Projections
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